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Logo esteso Rosazzo Bike Tour
Rental Contract Form


The contracting User declares to expressly and specifically accept pursuant to art. 1341 and 1342 CC the following conditions:

art. 2) parental responsibility; art.3) transport of another person or child on the rented vehicle; art.4) liability for accident; art.5) reimbursement of expenses for loss, damage to the bicycle, or theft; art.19) definition of the dispute, competent court of Udine.

Form submitted!

Logo esteso Rosazzo Bike Tour

Rosazzo Bike Tour is a project of:

Autogamma by Francesca Zaninello

Via P. Diacono, 12 - Cell. +39 329 370 8020

33040 - Corno di Rosazzo (UD)

PI 02568180307

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